Thursday, February 8, 2024

Been a while since I have looked at this blog.  I see all my old posts except for one disappeared.  That is just great.  I had to move all to this new blog, so I guess I must have done that incorrectly.  They were all there, last I knew.  Time to make some new posts, then!!


The last few years have gotten better and I have so many great things I can write about.  

Managing money better.  

Dewy and I took an amazing vacation in 2019 to Hawaii.  

Dina moved to Ohio so have been down there a few times.  Her husband was a Cleveland LEO.  Her kids are so amazing.  

I traveled to Florida by myself to go down to a Mastermind in Nov 2022.  

Our Dog Lucy is getting so old.  She is 14 years old now.  She can't get up onto our bed anymore, but can still do everything else.

My oldest brother Dale isn't in the greatest health.  Pretty great health scare right now.

I lost my mom in 2018.  I seem to have develped her ability to keep plants thriving now.

Dewy lost his dad in Dec 2016. 

Dewy's mom sold us the Farm in 2017.   We plan to build and retire there eventually.

I have been at my job for over 23 years now.  I still love my job.

I/We are truly blessed.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sad today...Mothers Day 2013

I am not positive what I really want to blog about....maybe my life in general?, maybe my failed adoption?, maybe my love of cars or trucks?, my pets? oh I have a lot of ideas...just having a hard time deciding today.

Today is Mothers Day.  This is my 2nd one without our son....who is also no longer our son.  It will get easier, but today hurts a lot.....many people made sure to call me today and make sure I was ok.  Those that did, I thank you so much...Even Dewy realized he shouldn't have left me alone all day and apologized several times.  He did come in earlier than usual and has fallen asleep next to me.